As an Illinois business owner, you know how important it is to be able to effectively track your employees’ performance and hold them accountable. But with so many different employee tracking software options on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one will work best for your company’s needs. In this article, we’ll take a look at four of the top-rated employee tracking software programs and explore their best features in bullet points. 


The Hubstaff time tracking software is designed to make tracking employee hours easy and efficient. It allows you to monitor your team in real-time and set automated reminders for tasks like breaks or lunch. 

Best features:

  • Automatic time tracking that records both active and inactive time 
  • A comprehensive dashboard that gives you detailed insights into each employee’s productivity 
  • Customizable timesheets that allow you to add notes or comments about each task 
  • An intuitive mobile app for remote workers who need access on-the-go  

When I Work

When I Work is a popular employee scheduling tool that helps companies streamline shift planning and communication with their staff. It also provides tools for managing time off requests, payroll, performance reviews, and more. Here are some of its most useful features:  

Best features:

  • Automated shift scheduling with drag-and-drop functionality 
  • Ability to assign tasks and shifts based on skills or availability 
  • Customizable reports that provide insight into labor costs and trends 
  • A mobile app that allows employees to clock in/out from anywhere  


Toggl is a powerful project management system designed for teams of all sizes. With real-time tracking capabilities, it helps teams stay organized by setting deadlines, assigning tasks, monitoring progress, etc. 

Best features:

  • Task assignment tools that make it easy to delegate projects 
  • Automated reminders that keep everyone on track with deadlines
  • Real-time analytics so you can quickly spot potential bottlenecks in the workflow
  • Easy integration with other popular productivity apps like Slack or Dropbox  

Time Doctor 

Time Doctor is an invaluable tool for virtual assistants and the companies that employ them. It is a time-tracking and productivity software designed to help virtual workers and employers manage their time more efficiently, allowing for greater accuracy in billing, better work-life balance, maximized productivity, improved communication, and overall better performance. 

Best features:

  • Real-time activity monitoring so you can see what each team member is working on at any given moment 
  • Screenshots are taken every 10 minutes so you can check up on progress without having to be physically present
  • Detailed reporting capabilities so you can get insights into how productive your team really is
  • Accurate timesheet calculations so there’s no confusion over billable hours   

With the right program in place, entrepreneurs can ensure their team members are meeting expectations—no matter where they are located geographically—while also freeing up more of their own time for other important tasks like marketing or customer service outreach efforts. From Hubstaff’s comprehensive dashboard reporting capabilities to Time Doctor’s real-time activity monitoring functionality—Iowa small business owners now have access to powerful tools designed specifically with their needs in mind!